Monday, April 26, 2010

Boobquake: Unintentional Success?

As you may know, I'm very approving of boobs.  I am also very approving of SCIENCE.  So as you can imagine, when I was told boobs and SCIENCE could be combined I put a big ol' stamp-of-approval on it.

What is Boobquake, you ask?  Stop living under a rock, I respond.

But seriously, Kazem Sedighi (an Iranian cleric) was quoted as saying "women who do not dress modestly, lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which increases earthquakes."

Generally speak, I don't think jiggling fun bags create earthquakes.  I think shifting tectonic plates cause earthquakes.  Subterranean molemen probably cause earthquakes.  And destabilizing the Earth's magnetic core?  That'd definitely cause earthquakes.

Thankfully, Jen McCreight was on the case.  (By the way, Ms. McCreight, any chick using her breasts for the forces of SCIENCE gets an A+ on The Hunter I's Scale of Awesomeness People Award I Totally Didn't Just Make Up™.  Please redeem your award immediately).  She proposed that we test Kazem's controversial theory by having women everywhere dress scantily in an attempt to trigger an earthquake in a little event she called Boobquake.

And the results are in -- there was no earthquake.  So what does this mean for Kazem?

That suckah was wrong!  Clearly.

But it also means...women showing off their goods prevents earthquakes.  And it's now backed quite heavily by this research!  So women everywhere, the Earth needs you to continue protecting it!  We don't need another wide-scale disaster to blame on the government; it could all be prevented if we all pitch in our boobs.

Note: due to his lack of female body parts The Hunter I cannot partake in any of these activities.  He regrets this, but will kindly volunteer to oversee the project if the government picks up on anything written on this blog.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hunter I News Update

Hey true believers, I've got a Hunter I news update for you all! Well, not everyone. Particularly those that watch Facebook.

So what's more exciting than a 24 oz. Big Gulp full of Awesome Sauce? Oh, right, more Hunter print!

For too long has mankind been bound to computers whilest reading about me. I'm sure you've all read my small print publication wildly successful The Hunter I's Field Guide to the World You Don't Know. Well untether yourself from that Intertube-window, people, 'cause coming sometime soon (but at an otherwise entirely too vague date):

The Hunter I Adventures! 100% more adventurey than before, The Hunter I Adventures brings you the neuron-shredding, unfiltered adventure the editors didn't want you to see...but now they have no choice (no, seriously, I held them at gun point -- I hope you're happy)! And it's brought to you in 24 pages of full-color beauty. Did I say 24? I meant 12. And by full color I really meant black 'n white. Hope appropriately dashed? Well here's that ice cream cone I'm giving you to make up for missing your soccer game.

Four -- yes, four -- new pages of The Hunter I's Field Guide to the World You Don't Know! You'll be identifiying all new monsters in no time! I guarantee!*

*I do not actually guarantee the identification of any monsters.

But wait! There's more!

"More?!" you groan in a semi-enthused manner, "How could there possibly be any more? Surely you're scraping the bottom of the barrel!" Well, I am. I'm scraping hard. But sometimes them barrel-scrapings are the best! You'll also get...aaaaads! Because I'm a sell out! But don't worry, sometimes ads are half the fun!* These are fantastically special ads from the kind folks at Junk Co., offering things you probably don't need but you probably will definitely want.

*The Hunter I doesn't guarantee the ads are half the fun, but damn it, you're gonna enjoy them.

And a letter page! That's right! Questions for your's truely! Send a post marked e-message to your buddy The Hunter I at AT! Ask me anything! Just don't forget your return e-envelope that I can stuff with various trinkets, such as comic clippings, bits of hair, or the ever-popular autographed photo made out to eBay. (eBay is potentially my biggest fan)

If you don't got any of that fancy electronic mail (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo...just saying, it's not a hard concept) and you're particularly close to me, send me a message on them Facebooks.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Hunter I presents...

First...there was Xanga.

Then...there was MySpace.

...Followed by Facebook.

And then Twitter, but hey! I never used that.

Now, The Hunter I boldly...steps sidewise...and Blogger!

Yes, that's right, loyal readers, I have started a new blog. And by started a new blog I mean copied all the old content and added this post. MySpace was holding me back -- why should you have to be my friend to gain access to my forbidden knowledge? It should be readily available on a blog. Or a fruit tree. And while Facebook is great (don't forget to friend Irving Hunter, kids!), I can't blog there. And don't even get me started on Twitter. "The Hunter I is choking a frog man", "The Hunter I is skinning a frog man", "The hunter I is removing the fatty tissue form the corpse of a frog man", "The Hunter I is explaining to a police officer what he's doing with most of the meat froma frogman", "The Hunter I is running through the woods" -- is that really what you want to read? Don't answers that. I know the answer is a firm, self-assuring "no".

So what can you expect to see here?

Insight on the unknown.

Facts about general conjecture!

Absolute truths about conspiracies!

And, of course, me being pure, unfiltered awesome.

Because there's still a lot about the world you don't know, and I'm more than willing to bring it to ya. In the mean time, sit back and read up. In addition to new posts, I'll also be updating this page to make it feel a little more...homey. And no, I don't mean that the way black people use it.