Monday, April 12, 2010

The Hunter I presents...

First...there was Xanga.

Then...there was MySpace.

...Followed by Facebook.

And then Twitter, but hey! I never used that.

Now, The Hunter I boldly...steps sidewise...and Blogger!

Yes, that's right, loyal readers, I have started a new blog. And by started a new blog I mean copied all the old content and added this post. MySpace was holding me back -- why should you have to be my friend to gain access to my forbidden knowledge? It should be readily available on a blog. Or a fruit tree. And while Facebook is great (don't forget to friend Irving Hunter, kids!), I can't blog there. And don't even get me started on Twitter. "The Hunter I is choking a frog man", "The Hunter I is skinning a frog man", "The hunter I is removing the fatty tissue form the corpse of a frog man", "The Hunter I is explaining to a police officer what he's doing with most of the meat froma frogman", "The Hunter I is running through the woods" -- is that really what you want to read? Don't answers that. I know the answer is a firm, self-assuring "no".

So what can you expect to see here?

Insight on the unknown.

Facts about general conjecture!

Absolute truths about conspiracies!

And, of course, me being pure, unfiltered awesome.

Because there's still a lot about the world you don't know, and I'm more than willing to bring it to ya. In the mean time, sit back and read up. In addition to new posts, I'll also be updating this page to make it feel a little more...homey. And no, I don't mean that the way black people use it.

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