1. There's a field nearby. Hopefully I can meet some ETs.
2. There's a graveyard nearby. Hopefully I'll get some sweet ghosts on film.
3. There are people nearby. Hopefully someone needs me to slay some vampires and/or is interested in hiring me.
That's all great for me. But what does it mean for you? It means I won't be writing an entry today. Soooo...

I'm just kidding. I actually have a special story that was submitted by another source. As a big comic fan, I figured this was good enough to post here:
It's interesting, isn't it? You'll be amazed to find out Super did end up running into history's "Batman", though not the classic comic character you all know and love (Some of you love more than others. Then again, some of you wear retarded orange hats.) but the mythological figure and Other Worldly Deity.Superman was born in
Cracow Poland on August 3, 1932. His real name is Super Manechewitz. In 1944 Super, his parents, and his 12 brothers and sisters traveled to the United States to begin a new life. When they arrived at Ellis Island they were forced to shorten their last name; Mr. Manechewitz shortened it to Mann. Not too long after their arrival they fell on hard times and young Super was forced to get a job at a news stand in the Bronx. As he worked there, delivering papers, he would often write about anything he could think of and send them in to various magazines and news publications. Super delivered papers throughout his teens until he was 21 when he received a job writing periodicals and cartoons for the New York Times. On June 3, 1956 he spotted a girl in an alley being harassed. She ran into the street and was hit by a car. Super Mann then picked her up and ran her to the nearest hospital. He was proclaimed a local hero. After reading about Super Mann in the papers artist Joe Shuster and writer Jerry Siegel got their idea for Superman and the rest is history.
Special thanks to Sir William Robert Sebastian Roles III for the excellent scoop, which made a great makeshift post today.
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