Wednesday, June 7, 2006

The System Is Up

Finally, my blog is up and running. That's web log for you technologically challenged people. Generally speaking, I despise these things. Especially MySpace. It's common knowledge in The Underground that MySpace is a digital tumor, amassing power by siphoning digital nutrients off of the rest of the known internet until the original network is finally overcome by it. Then its plans will move onto stage 2. But as of now, the known internet is safe, right? And I need to the extra money that comes with advertising.

I'm a Vampire Hunter & Paranormal Investigator. I've always been interested in the paranormal. I'll also slay furries, because that mar on humanity is just another worthless mark for our race. So if you need someone in the business, it's me. You can even send my payment through PayPal. Also, if you're a lady, I'm currently single...I know it's a great opportunity for you to date someone as knowing and famous as me. But please. C cup or higher. I actually have a filter on my inbox. And I'll know if you're lying.

My other purpose here is to inform those who don't know. Those who don't have access to The Leak and are still fooled by The Government (both, the Shadow Government and Puppet Government). I'll be explaining the many mysteries of the unknown to you. And this education starts today. Look at the picture below.

What you see here is an example of a Shadow Being (Egregores Aphosphorus Being) that has taken up residency in my local point on our plane of existence. In short, he's like my room mate. I named him Gatsby.

Now, you're probably thinking..."Egregores Aphosphorus being? lol u phail at english!!1!1". What this means is it is a nonphysical manifestation, not unlike a shadow. They were originally named for their appearance, which is very much like a shadow. Most commonly, they are only seen out of the corner of your eye, and the modern scientific community will try and convince you this is true. It is not.

Sometimes shadow beings can be recorded by a webcam, too, as I have done. This picture was taken earlier this year (January, I think?). I think he feeds on the heavy release of electromagnetic energy being released from my sweet network cluster. Or the abnormally high ectoplasmic activity that is detected around my house. Either way, he's been here for as long as I can remember. We typically get along...well, I don't really see him much. But we still get along.

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